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Hi Robyn, glad u like it. Will update more when i encounter new places with good food. :)
Can't wait to c ur new post. Take care.


I LOVE kunlow mee and the photos of your meal look SO great! I wish I were there :-(


I feel ashamed for the fact that I have been working in PJ (near Old Town) for almost 8 years but never been to the Sarawak Kolo Mee at Fook Yun, PJ State.
There are few good food places around State and Old Town area. One of my favourite is the fish porridge at coffee shop next to UOB Bank, within walking distance from Fook Yun. Happy trying...

Barbara Fisher

That meal just looks wonderful!

Great photography--thanks for sharing! (Even if you did make me hungry.)


Keep 'em coming, FTH!

BT, thanks for the tip. It goes in my "must-try" notebook!

Barbara, not to toot Dave's horn but I have to say that when I look at that picture of the egg noodle scoop-up, I feel very hungry indeed!


i love sarawak kolo mee, my housemate bought it back straight from sarawak once and we reheat and had a feast. anwyway, the ones from sarawak are oni reddish in colour and no dark soy sauce added. as i know, it is just flavoured with the sauce from the "char siew", bbq pork. nervertheless, this one looks yummy too!


Looks like kumloo Hakka mee to me!


Hi Robyn. The Sarawak kolo mee stall at Nam Chuan, Lucky Garden serves a much more authentic version of Sarawak kolo mee. The normal style is just noodles, minced pork, char siew, chopped spring onions, and tossed in garlic oil. In Kuching you can find the seafood and chicken and mushroom variety too :-)


Dear Robyn

Went to Fook Yoon last Sunday looking for the Ipoh CCF..couldnt find it. Found the KMee instead. Pls advise exact location - there was a CCF vendor outside but he came in a van..dont know how good but the Q was long!
Appreciate your assistance!
Keep up the good work!


ET - ok, as near as I remember (haven't been back since the post - you know, so many stalls to try, so little time). If you are standing facing the kolo mee vendor, with that tall building to your back, the CCJ will be to your left a couple of vendors up. They are right on the street, perhaps next to the wall. Perhaps they were closed the day you passed by? Look for the sign.
Good luck!


HI Robyn

Thks for info..yes the stall was closed last Sunday..just my luck! Any comments on the Tex mex food standard here?


ET - oooh, a couple nasty encounters with Tex-Mex in Asian cities has taught me to stay far, far away. When it's anything-Mex I'm craving I head to my pantry packed with the dried chilies, hominy, and masa I've humped back from the US and devote a couple hours to the kitchen.
So it's up to you to be the guineau pig! If you find anything noteworthy do me a favor and drop me a line.
Good luck!


Thks Robyn
Oh Dear..dare I ask whether the standard fare by Chillies Restaurant chain in Bangsar SC /KLCC is any good? The magarita seems decent..
but by any standard..home cooked benchmarked to mom's cooking is best!
Keep up the good work!


still have a long way to go to beat Sarawak original kolo mee.....yummy...

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