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I've been reading for a few months now but haven't commented before. I visited Malaysia in January and honestly thought I had done a good job of discovering the food, obviously not!!

Thank you so much for your diary and please keep up the good work. I thoroughly enjoy reading about what you've been eating (even if it does make me really hungry!!) and look forward to making another, more educated, trip to Malaysia in the future!


Ditto Matt.. you teach Malaysians about Malaysia. I swear your blog is better than any travel guide, food magazine, newspaper liftout (you name it) I've ever seen. More! More!

(PS would love a follow up post on Kg. Baru by nite...)


Matt and Susan - whoa there, pls stop with the compliments as I can feel my head swelling as I write! Seriously - thanks very much. We always like to hear that folks enjoy the blog.

Susan - don't know that I teach Malaysians aobut Malaysia, but I do know I see and experience Malaysia differently than they do (obviously). What's second nature/everyday to a Malaysian can be something fascinating (and worth writing about) to me ... by the same token, I would *love* to read a food blog written my a new (preferably Asian) immigrant to the US. I'm sure I'd learn all sorts of interesting things about my own country, things that I'm very familiar with but have never given a second thought to.

Kg Baru by night - we'll get on it!


ha ha, the praise is well deserved belive me. It is hard to write abotu food as well as you do.

I do have a question as well if you can can give me some pointers. I've tried to cook Kari Kambing a couple of times since I cam back and I just can't seem to get it right. The results have not been disappointing but I haven't managed to achieve the spicy, red coloured curry I got used to eating in kL. Any tips??


Hi: Grew up in Malaysia and still very much a Malaysian at heart. The thing I missed the most was the food! Great blog!


I adore the Malaysian posts as I loved the foodfirst posts on Thailand (specially that post on Pai!) and Szechuan etc in the old days on the Chowhound International Board. But I can't wait to see what Robyn/Dave will come up with once they start dipping their toes into Indonesia and the Philippines!

Fanclub member #1 ;0)
[email protected]


Matt - a bit hard to advise w/out seeing the recipe you're using, but my (limited) experience cooking Malaysian curries suggests that you're not using 'chili boh' (ground chilies) ... or enough of it. Here in Malaysia you can find plastic containers of chili boh in the grocery store, but the do-it-yourself kind is infinitely superior in taste. It's very simple ... dried red chilies (preferably the Malaysian kind; they are skinny like Thai red chilies, up to about 5 inches long, and dried but not completely 'dry' .... they bend without breaking and they don't crackle), take a big handful and cover them with hot water, let sit for 30 minutes or so to soften. Drain (save some of the water) and mortar and pestle them to a coarse paste .... or, if you're a bit lazy (like me) whack 'em in a blender and add chili water bit by bit, just enough to enable them to grind. Add enough chili boh to your kari kambing and I guarantee it will be plenty red and super spicy!


RST - ;-) Sumatra just around the corner!



Thanks for your advice. I definitely haven't been doing what you suggest but I will next time.

Red and super spicy is the way I like it 80)


Echo Robin, I do agree you pack a lot of info into each post, it's virtually professional writing. Seriously, you are doing Malaysian food a real service!

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