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Don't worry ma'am if you do visit those places after you've sampled their delicacies here. Nobody's going to think you are being unfaithful to us. After all, its "Malaysia, truly Asia".


Haha, I shy-lor. Been in KL for ages but have never visited this famous night market! Must really learn to appreciate 'the colours' of our nation more!


Hey Robyn and David,

Reading your blog is a lot like eating the authentic Malaysian/Indonesian food you describe. The rich balance of flavors! The crunch! The spice! Ah, but you pay for that spice. Oh do you pay for it. The light tingle of the opening sonata, gradually deepening into the slow flush of the second movement, rising rapidly during the burning heat of the third movement before exploding in a climax of delicious pain and gradually trickling off during the last movement; a masochistic symphony of delight. In short, you threaten to drown me in my own drool and cause me to curse the fact that I'm stuck in Southern California.

Keep up the good work.

- Chubbypanda

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