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wow: Kenduri_aunty_from_above


ps: opening pic also very wow.


Another great, educative and colourful post. Thanks.


Great description. Haven't been to kenduri for years and years. the dalca looks fabulous. Gotta get myself invited to a wedding when i get back


Your descriptions are always evocative, but the mal buri is one dish that's making me wish I lived in KL.

As for that ginormous pot of rice, sheesh -- I can't even get two cups to cook properly! I'm jealous.


Stunning colors and mouth watering foods. I'm sweating just looking at those chilies.


did you skip the dowry protocol hehe, anyway, great pix and descriptions :) love tt spicy chicken dish, reminds me of some ayam masak merah+madu, sweeet !! :)


Thanks. Very informative insight.

The Guilty Carnivore

Wow, everything looks so amazing and delicious. Thank you.


I'm looking at this and my mouth is literally watering, and I'm humbled at how wholeheartedly you are embracing the whole Malaysian experience.

mary shaposhnik

Thanks for transporting me from the office desk to a Malaysian family celebration for a few minutes. I can tell it was very interesting to watch the community/family dynamics at work. There is just so much amazing culinary skill out there--like Aunty who can cook and coordinate for 100--that most of us never get to experience. What an honor to be part of it. Thanks for sharing it with us.

It's off topic, but what kind of textiles did people exchange?


Thanks all! It was great fun (and very, very delicious - among the best Malay food we've had since moving to Malaysia).

Phiz - as for embracing the Malaysian experience ... well, you know, it's tough job but somebody's got to do it!

Mary - perhaps I should have said 'cloth items' rather than textiles ... it was new sheets and towels, stuff like that. No gorgeous textiles of the type that you're probably imagining. Are you a collector? We have got a whole cabinetfull of bits and pieces we've collected over the years on our travels. The textile bug bit in Lao way back when ....

Rasa Malaysia

The dry chicken curry dish looks absolutely delish, however the name Mul Bari doesn't sound like Malay, or shall I shall, I don't recognize the two words!

Anyway, it was more than 10 years ago when I had my last kenduri meal--a wedding. I have never had such great Malay food, well, except at Samudra at Pangkor Laut. But, it's different when you compare home-cooked foods to a restaurant's.

Not sure if you are back to Malaysia, but I hope you have had a great trip to the US. :)

mary shaposhnik

Well, useful textiles are still textiles... I love hearing this. A lot of the Tai Lu textiles in Nan were household items. It reminds me of my Polish great-grandma, who died when I was 12, carefully embroidering pillow cases and a tablecloth for my "hope chest." I started using them when I gave up hope.

Anyway, yes, I am a very amateur textile collector, meaning I don't make a business of it and don't want to be too obsessive, but I do seek them out pretty actively, have a lot on my walls and a bigger pile I don't know what to do with. Khmer textiles got me smitten, but of course Lao is amazing. For me, it feels similar to my interest in the foods of the places I travel in may ways -- I love that ordinary raw materials that can be strictly utilitarian can also be woven together and combined into intricate, complex works of art; that they involve a wealth of non-verbal education and technical expertise; that, maybe moreso with weaving, it is an area where women can be creative and are recognized for their expertise; that so much time and effort can be expended to create something beautiful and pleasurable; that ethnographically you can see connections and migration patterns (or be fooled into seeing, and need to learn the difference) in what different peoples cook and how they weave; that there is both room and necessity for tradition and innovation, which can provide both powerful momentum and stability. Or maybe that's all bunk. But I think those all have something to do with why I love to watch people cook and weave when I travel, and love the results of both.


I love this photos.. The post is very very beaufiful!!


Wow, how did you know about the Bengkulu dish? Have you been to Bengkulu? Man, I'm so jealous. Anyway, the wedding processions of the Malays in my country (particularly in Sumatra)held the importance of "Songket" textile. I thought Malay Malaysians have the same way....

lee vardeman

Thank you for sharing this beautiful experience. I wanted to learn what a kenduri is, and your pictures and descriptions gave me a joyful taste of being there. I am grateful for the peek into this lovely culture.

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