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Rasa Malaysia

Congrats...wow, that's huge...more people will learn more about Malaysian food because of you...thanks so much, you two are stars. :)


Thanks rasa - it's a hard job but someone's got to .... oh never mind, you've heard that before!

FatMan Seoul

The SCMP article reads:

Sunday July 1 2007

Eat Asia

If you're looking for advice on unusual places to eat in Southeast Asia, check out the Eating Asia food blog (www.eatingasia.typepad.com). Produced by freelance writer Robyn Eckhardt, with photographs by David Hagerman, the blog mostly focuses on Malaysia, where the couple live, but also covers their travels in the Philippines, Vietnam, Thailand and Indonesia.

Don't expect the best banana pancakes served in hotels to be listed here - the couple favour inexpensive but delicious street food (see above and below right) found off the beaten track. They're not squeamish and will try almost anything (except, it seems, dog), from krill (usually viewed as food for whales) in the Philippines to kepayang seeds in Malaysia (which can be poisonous if prepared incorrectly). They've also written detailed descriptions about the laborious process that goes into making popiah wrappers (below left) and the myriad ways pork is eaten throughout Southeast Asia.


Thanks Fatman!

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