The July-August issue of Malaysia's Flavours magazine includes our feature story (with 5 recipes) on northern Thai food. Thanks to our editor for the absolutely gorgeous 14-page (!) layout - Dave's location shots look great - and to photographer Yap Chee Hong for making the dishes I prepared here at home (and my tableware) look so good.
Flavours isn't available (to the best of our knowledge) outside Malaysia/Singapore and, unfortunately, there's no web link to the story, but perhaps I can rustle up a pdf for EatingAsia.
I'll pdf it for you? We have one of those megascanners here in the office.
Yrs truly
Posted by: Cupcake | 2007.07.18 at 12:06
That's so cool. I would love to do some recipe booklet for Flavour though...but I asked and they are not interested, LOL. Quote: "We have many experts who can do this for us." Oh well...;)
Posted by: Rasa Malaysia | 2007.07.23 at 00:55
What plants are native to Thailand??????????
Need answer really soon.
Posted by: Sali | 2007.08.01 at 13:28
Any link to the pdf?
I have been following your site for a bout a year or so and read threw it thoroughly every few weeks, sometimes sooner.
keep it up! Great things come from it and are created by it!
all the best,
Posted by: Gregory Harry | 2007.12.11 at 09:52