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Very interesting. Never heard of this before.

James b

hi, i dont remember how i stumbled upon your blog, but im glad i did. i enjoy reading your blogs and the photography is great. i always find myself checking on your site for updates and new entries. your entries from the philippines excite me for the trip i'm planning with my cousin to cavite, phil. (our parents' home town). thanks. i could only hope to be able to go on the travels you guys go on, after i graduate from college. take care. Godspeed.

Chad Edward

Sometimes your posts are so unique I have no frame of reference from which to comment. Thank you!


Always an interesting post...I've always had sago and never realized how labor-intensive it was using tradtional methods. No wonder much of it is now processed.


This is so interesting! I've had sago all my life and never knew where it comes from exactly. Your photos are great too. Keep up the great work!


This is a great series of posts. As a matter of interest, were you shooting with a flash or is it just great natural light?


Kalyn, neither had I until we moved to SE Asia.

James - thank you. Eat well in Cavite!

Chad - thanks.

Renato - exactly ... this is a time-consuming and arduous task!

Sandy and Phil - thanks. As for your question Phil, I'll pass that on to the photographer. Dave?


Sandy, thanks. Some subjects seem to photograph themselves.

Phil, I used a combination of natural light, on camera fill flash, and off camera flash. For the opening shots I used two radio triggered strobes, one camera left clamped to a chicken coop roughly eye level 8 feet from the subject. The other light was clamped to a tree waist high. Both were set manual at 1/4 power. I like how the "sandwich' lighting gives a kind of 3D effect to the guy digging out the sago. What do you think?


It really does make your subjects pop out. I thought that maybe you had a giant reflector.

(I'm assuming that's your shadow in the fifth shot down. heh. If it was me, I'd manage to get my thumb in there too, possibly both of them.)



Actually the shadows are from the trees above. We did this at about 10 am on a bright day.

I had one strobe camera left mounted on a tripod roughly 2 feet high and 8 feet back. The second is directly behind him mounted on a fence. Both were on manual at 1/4 and 1/8th power respectively. The camera was set on manual and was shot at 1/125 at F11.

Is that more than you wanted to know?


absolutely stunning and very interesting. Makes me feel so unskilled - the only part I'd be able to do is the mixing, and even then.

Our forebearers were very ingenious and inventive to figure out how to prepare some of these foods.


Hi there, wonderful! wonderful! Nice story. EXCELLENT shots! We also do something like that in Papua New Guinea from where I come from. I wonder if you know where I can buy sago flour online? I am currently in Japan and desperately searching for sago flour. Again, an excellent article!


WOW THANKS I was looking for sago flour while searching for gluten free products. I had a great lesson, it was like I was there. THANKS AGAIN, GG


Nice :D I need this for a research :)Thank you!


our school is promoting sago flour. my study would focus on the utilization of sago flour in food products.. this is a really nice article. salamat! -- greetings from the philippines

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