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sari tjio

Wow, this is really an amazing post. Making rice noodle is really a heavy duty work. I never thought about it really. It looked so complicated. I would certainly appreciate more my next bowl of rice noodle soup. BTW. I love your blog. I have been following it for sometime. sari tjio

sari tjio

Wow, this is really an amazing post. Making rice noodle is really a heavy duty work. I never thought about it really. It looked so complicated. I would certainly appreciate more my next bowl of rice noodle soup. BTW. I love your blog. I have been following it for sometime. sari tjio

Kavita Favelle

Yep, I'm as awed by the process as you are. As you say, it's important not to romanticise a process that exists only because the family can neither afford nor access the automated machinery we are more used to in wealthy regions. But, at the same time, one can't fail to be utterly impressed when one sees a process in action that has clearly been developed and fine-tuned over many years, possibly, many generations.

Joseph Hayes

Lovely sequence of photos, great combination of action and intimacy.


Wow. I am absolutely in awe of this process. Thank you so much for documenting it and sharing with us - I can honestly say it never occurred to me how much work goes into it. I will definitely be more appreciative of my next bowl of noodles!


Oh my gosh. Thank you, Robyn and Dave. That was a breathtaking ride.


Understand the steps of this process are necessitated by need as much as anything else but yes, I am definitely awed.

The Slow Food movement, which at its worst incarnations sometimes comes across as fairly elitist, should take note of folks like Madame Moul who have been quietly contributing to the local food scene without fanfare and without hype.


Hey, somebody got a new flash. Shiny...



My make up artist was called away to an Angelina Jolie shoot..sorry about that.



I know what you're feeling. Personally, I don't travel ANYWHERE anymore without my food stylist.



Ditto to that...and absolutely NO brown M&M's on the buffet table!


vincent thilbaut

I've also read your article "Bun, Unplugged" about the automation of the whole process to make those noodles.

Sadly, the automation makes it way too fast and does not give enough time for the rice to ferment. (the same thing happened in the Western world: with automation and chemicals we produce bread that are not similar to the bread we used to make a few hundred years ago i.e. sour in taste due to the lacto-fermentation)

This in turn would affect the gut bacteria of its consumers. Those are subtle changes that can only be felt a few generations down the road.

Great article thanks

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