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Happy New Year to both of you and good luck to Dave with his "new" work. Am looking forward to more and much more of your food posts then. Am thrill to have read you will be writing more ingredient-focused and Malaysian-focused posts. It is always a pleasure to read your blog and salivating on the food images. You have made SEA come alive and am looking forward to more.
P.S. I was in Malacca and Penang recently and took upon myself to discover the hawker foods that you posted earlier in the year. Hope 2009 will be a better year for all.


All the best for the New Year, I hope it is productive and enjoyable for you both. Looking forward to sharing in all your travels!


Best wishes for the new year.


I really enjoy visiting your blog and I look forward to more interesting entries this year. Have a wonderful New Year!


congratulations and good wishes on your new ventures!! i do love your posts, and look forward to more. happy new year!!


Happy New Year, Robyn and Dave! And good luck with your new endeavors; I'm positive you guys will be successful in all that you do.


Happy New Year guys!
Looking forward to seeing your new projects in 2009.


I wish you both well! Enjoy the change!


Dear Robyn, Dave, I have been a fan of your site for a while now. I rarely post comments but rest assured that the quality of your posts is much appreciated and I have grown to be fond, although cyberly, of these 2 gwai=lohs who have this rather odd inclination to lurk around the lanes and alleys of KL/Malaysia looking for tasty morsels in the most unlikely of places. May this inclination live long and well!! And may the two of you find happiness in this adopted country of infuriating politics, various folks of different tounges, cultures and customs speaking an endearingly mangled English and of course, glorious foods, glorious Malaysian foods. If there a factor that should unite us Malaysians, it shoud be this - the food! Thank you for lurking in our lanes and "lorongs" and in turn holding a mirror in our faces showing us that peace and unity is perhaps possible when we all sit down to a gobsmacking good meal.

Here is to a great 2009 to you both!!


Hear hear! And *klink*!


Happy New Year to you both! I only recently discovered your blog and had such a wonderful time browsing through all your archived entries. I lovex2 all your pics. I'm originally from KL but living in the US now and I have to say that you both really know where to find good eats in KL even way better than me. And thanks to your blog, I've discovered places to eat that I never even knew existed. Looking forward to more of your KL street food pics. For now, I just have to look at your pics to satisfy my cravings until I make my next trip home to KL!


If your previous entries were done with you two traveling under time constraints, I can't imagine what you'll be able to do on your own schedule. Happy New Year, and I can't wait to see more of Asia through your eyes. -X


Here's to many more years doing the work that is desired and enjoyed. And may the new year bring you guys much more food and photography adventures than ever before.

Have enjoyed meeting you and getting to know you especially through your posts and Dave's pictures. They've always been our inspiration with our own blog.

Hopefully we'll get to meet up in Malaysia when I get myself home.


Hi,Happy New Year!! Would you mind if we could exchange links?


Happy New Year! I wish Dave all the best of luck in his new endeavor, a photo blog is definitely something to look forward to, and may you, Robyn, find more inspiration in your backyard, to share all your delicious finds with all the Eating Asia readers. Thank you for a food-filled year. Cheers!


Happy new year and thanks for this blog, it makes me travel in front of my PC!


Happy New Year, Robin and Dave!
Alws enjoyed ur posts and phtos! Bring us more for 2009 yea!


when you guys go to yogyakarta, please feature the batiks and tips on getting a good deal.... if you're at java, hope you go to surakarta also (the pasar klewer!!)

happy new year!


Thanks everyone, and Happy New Year!

TJ - thank you, and well said. Here's to unity and harmony via food!

Xander - thanks. It's called never having a proper weekend or a non-working holiday! We hope to do something about that this year.

Thanks Annie - and here's to a trip home for you in 2009.

Hey juls - we're really not shoppers, I gotta tell you ... unless it's for food. And I hate bargaining, so I'd be terrible at offering advice in that respect!


Congrats to you two! Nothing feels better than working on something that you're passionate about and I wish you all the best with this new change.

Thanks for your email. I couldn't reply to my emails somehow. Yes, it's exceedingly hard and sad and I am just emotionally and physically drained and very sad. I came back last Sat before it was too late. It happened 1/5 (Monday)...


A belated Happy New Year and good luck! Sounds like a great adventure ahead.

(I'm way behind on reading posts, sorry!)

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