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nova bennett

This is what I miss about Asia and my country.... Thanks Robyn and Dave...


ooo absolute sin, I love it!


Even though I don't really take chillies or like spicy food, your photos/write-up on Hameed looked so absolutely fabulous, I won't be able to resist trying it on my next trip to Penang!

Andrew Samtoy

"I don't suppose I'm qualified to pronounce Hameed's mee goreng the Best In Penang, but it is pretty darned fabulous, certainly one of the best versions we've ever had in Malaysia."

THANK YOU FOR THIS. One of my biggest pet peeves is when someone declares something "the best/worst ________" (i.e., "the best Mexican food in California," or "the tastiest cabernet ever") as if they have a completely universal and objective opinion. Admitting that you are possibly not qualified to declare a subjective opinion objective is incredibly refreshing. THANK YOU THANK YOU THANK YOU!!!

Rasa Malaysia

I have never tried this but I love Bangkok Lane mee goreng, and before that, it was Edgecumbe Road mee goreng when I was in high school.




You just kill me right there Robin.......... aaahhhh mee mamak. I can only dream for it here in the cold midwest.


If only you could spend a day with that guy and learn his secrets.


oh, for a good mee rebus.


Thank you for this! Damn, I miss Malaysia.

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