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the lacquer spoon

Well, different culinary activities are going on in every corner of the globve. Selamat hari Natal dari Jepang!


I bet this smells like the nut carts in NYC, no?


Hi Robyn and David. Merry Christmas, and may the New Year bring you even more adventures in food and travel.

Rasa Malaysia

This is very very interesting. I have never ever come across anything like that in Penang! It's almost like a hybrid between "ban chien kuih" and kuih tayap.

Deng Huang

Your RSS feed seems to be broken. It's truncating the posts. Unless that's intentional. In which case, good-bye Eating Asia. :(


lacquer spoon - same to you, and Happy New Year!

Foodie - well yes, in fact it does.

borneoboy - thanks, same to you. Happy New Year!

Bee - well, she might be the only one. Flavor reminded me of the deep-fried glutinous rice balls coated in sesame seeds.

Deng Huang- A bit of patience please -- I don't have any control over the RSS feed, that's Typepad's job. And threatening to bid us 'good-bye' neither helps the matter, nor inspires fear in my heart. Happy Holidays.

Indian Takeaway

These things sound really nice any chance you can post a recipe for us?


I think she's right - she may very well be the only vendor in Penang selling this type of ketayap. I grew up eating the green (pandan) ketayaps and have never come across this during my 20+ years in Penang! Great discovery, guys! A wonderful discovery today for me too as I found your site (via D.Greenspan's site)!
Love the photography and writing! Brilliant!


Hi Robyn and David. Happy New Year 2010 !


Indian Takeaway - sorry, not likely in the near future. You could try noodling around with rice flour batter though...

Jencrafted - Welcome to eatingasia! Hope you'll be stopping in again. Yep, I do think she's the only one.

Borneoboy - same to you -- best wishes for 2010! Thanks for reading.


I just read about the same stall from another blog. Apparently this is a Cantonese snack. Have a look if you read Chinese.


Renaissance Clothing

Like a home cooked meal on the street


Wow, very cool. I miss Penang.

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