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interesting post ... have never been, perhaps I had book a flight before it's too late!

Flavor Boulevard

I have never been to Thailand, but this sounds like Vietnam, when the government keeps wiping out old neighborhoods just for the sake of construction money. And you're right, the people never have a say.


Haven't been to Chiang Mai but I heard the weather's pretty cool over there

Migration Mark

Sounds like the roads don't really need to be widened, and for sake of the delicious food, peoples lives, and great markets, I hope it doesn't go through. However, if it does, markets sometimes have a way of re-emerging in other areas.


Stephanie -- I think you have another year at least. I'd recommend going for the 100th anniversary in December!

Flavor Boulevard -- Well, it's happening all over Asia, I'm afraid. Not much appreciation for anything old or traditional in some quarters

Mark - Thanks for your comment. Markets do, but whole communities rarely re-emerge en masse. That what makes this market so special, is that it is really the center of a larger community. Fingers crossed.

Thailand Trip Advisor

Awesome pics. Thanks for sharing an interesting post


Will be in Chiang Mai in a couple of weeks and will surely hit all these markets you mentioned, which I truly love going to, especially in SEAsia. It's the best way to get a feel, taste, smell of the place.

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