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I remember wandering the streets of Bangkok in 92, looking at the ominous and bubbling cauldrons of street food wondering what this and that was, getting hungrier and hungrier.

Eventually I came across a McDonalds and sadly, suffered a meal there. I did better in KL and Penang.


If I see a long line and many satisfied looking customers, I usually feel safe enough trying it out. But... this method isn't foolproof...


Bobster - when we lived in BKK in 2002 I believed room temperature curries were absolutely unsafe. So many missed opportunities...

Claypotclub - nothing is foolproof, and there are no guarantees. You could avoid street food and get sick from a meal in a hotel restaurant (Changi Airport Holiday Inn, for me). The point is, we do what we can do to minimize our risk. And then cross our fingers. ;-)

John Shoane

Ive got a few issues with spicy food. Why would you eat something that burns your hands? My GF is from Thailand she loves spicy food but im not convinced its good for you

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