A divine Malay lunch at International Hotel, Transfer Road
As we were wrapping up a little over three weeks in Turkey a piece we worked on last Oct/Nov ran in NY Times Travel. If you missed it, the link to my (Robyn's) 36 Hours: Penang is here. While you're there be sure to click on Dave's accompanying slideshow, a whopping 32+ photographs taken around the island.
For more Penang in photos sans words, Dave has posted out-takes from this shoot on his photo blog Sky Blue Sky, here.
And for yet more Penang, a couple blasts from the past: our late 2010 piece on post-Unesco world heritage designation changes in George Town for the same publication, here; some street photography and portraiture in Penang, here and here; and a sweetly nostalgic multimedia of Penang black and whites set to old-timey music, here.
(Now seems as good a time as any to mention once again that when he is in Penang Dave offers one-one-one photography walks/workshops. Info here.)
The week before our Penang piece ran my tiny write-up on Bangkok wine bars hit print; see it here. Yes, yes -- I've heard the grumbling from various quarters to the effect that none of these places are, in fact, wine bars. Beyond my puzzlement as to how exactly one should define "wine bar" these days (Must there in fact be a "bar"? Should there be potted ferns? Are DJs just not done? Is the bar not also allowed to offer beers on tap and mixed drinks?), I can say firsthand that they are all great places to enjoy a glass or a bottle, and they all boast a good -- and in some cases unique -- selection of vintages. Let me put it this way: no freebies were enjoyed in the course of this reportage.
And, before we asphyxiate ourselves with all the hot air blowing about this post, last week American photo agency A Wonderful Machine ran on its blog an interview with Dave about his current obsession with Turkey. You can read that, and view some photos, here.
And there you have it, our self-promotion quota for the month. Back to regular programming tomorrow.
Seeing as I've ended on a Turkey note and that having been back in Penang for less then 48 hour, we're still in a Turkey frame of mind, a couple photos Dave shot last week. Snow is a unique and wonderful thing for us. On this night in Istanbul it was especially beautiful.
Those pictures are really beautiful, and somehow calming as well.
Posted by: marts aziz | 2012.02.15 at 19:44
Absolutely amazaing pics, as usual.
Posted by: Verparacomer | 2012.02.15 at 20:12
the caption for pic 17 of the slideshow should be chowrasta market, not chow kit which is in kuala lumpur.
Posted by: viv | 2012.02.15 at 20:34
Thank you Marts, from Dave. I love the last one. Wish you could hear the call to prayer in Turkey to go with the photos. Very, very beautiful.
Thank you V!
We know and the NYT photo ed knows, viv. Thanks.
Posted by: Robyn | 2012.02.16 at 17:59